Store Ur Box

Whether you’re moving in to an apartment, a smaller home, a lifestyle village, or a retirement home, there are many reasons to downsize your living space.Due to various housing market crashes around the world, downsizing for financial purposes has become a popular trend as of late.It may sound easy in theory – get rid of some of stuff, save some money and relax. Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple.

Over time we all tend to accumulate stuff. Whether it’s hiding in a garage, spare room or a wardrobe, some things may be important, while others maybe not so much.

Downsizing can take a lot of planning, energy, time and motivation to execute successfully, that’s why we’ve compiled a few tips to help you make the transition.

1)    Take an Inventory

Before you start throwing things out willy nilly, it helps to start by taking an inventory of your belongings.

Ask yourself; “what would I replace if I lost?” Take stock of the most important items you own, and identify what you can do without.

For example, it may be smart to get rid of the treadmill that’s been gathering dust in your spare room, and invest in your old pair of running shoes.

This can take some time, but it’s important to establish what you actually need in your everyday life.

Make three lists: Must Haves, Can Live Withouts, and Things I Could Replace, and get stuck in classifying the items in your home.

It may be hard to let things go, but for unnecessary items it pays to be ruthless – you’ll thank yourself later.

2)    Sell Your Stuff

Selling the items of yours that you don’t need provides a monetary incentive to get rid of them. Why not make some cash in the process, right?

If you have a large amount of stuff that you don’t need, hosting a garage sale could be a good idea, however the easiest way to do it in this day and age is probably through Trade Me, or eBay.

These websites are great for general household items, books, appliances or hardware – you’ll most likely be able to find interested customers no matter what you’re selling.

As well as Trade Me or eBay, clothing items can also be sold to op shops or second hand clothing stores, some of which pay you a certain percentage once they have sold your items.

3)    Know Your New Space

It’s important to know the dimensions of the new home you’re going to be dealing with.

Compare your current living space to your new home – how many rooms are there? How big is the living room? How big is the garage? Etc.

This is a crucial step to knowing how much of your possessions you will be able to take with you.

Rough sketches of your new living space may help you visualise where to put all your things, and serve as a reality check in the process.

If you’re moving in to an apartment or a lifestyle village it’s obvious that you will be able to get rid of things you would only need for a suburban home – i.e. lawn mowers, ladders, snow shovels etc.

Acknowledge what storage options are available in your new home and make the most of them.

4)    Stay Organised

Although you may now live in a smaller home, it doesn’t take much for an organised space to turn into a cluttered space, and it can happen quicker than you’d imagine.

Once you’re settled and enjoying your smaller living quarters, it’s important to remain vigilant about your possessions.

If you notice that something unnecessary is taking up too much space, get rid of it – do not hesitate!

The war against clutter is a constant struggle, and although downsizing homes may be a major move towards simplifying life, it doesn’t stop there!

This article was prepared by Store Ur Box, the ultimate storage solution where you pay ‘by the box’ and not for the space.