Store Ur Box

University students from all around New Zealand – listen up!

Want to save money, make your life easier and help eliminate unnecessary stress? Well then Store Ur Box is bound to be your new best friend!

At Store Ur Box, we understand the reality of student life, that’s why we offer an unmatchably cheap storage solution.

Here’s the deal…

You’re bound to have items lying around your flat or dorm that you don’t want to leave around for the summertime – the three month break means you’re most likely headed back home to catch up with friends and family, and to possibly give your liver a break… or not.

Store Ur Box is able to take care of the valuable items you don’t want to leave around, or aren’t able to take home with you.

We’re also able to house any personal items back in your hometown that you may not want to get rid of, but can’t take to university with you.

Basically, unload any unnecessary stuff to us and let it become our problem, and not yours!

Store Ur Box is strategically located throughout all major ‘student towns’ in New Zealand – Auckland, Waikato and Otago.

As well as offering students the lowest price on the market, we also make things as easy as possible; you won’t even have to leave the house.

We will drop off empty boxes to you, come back to pick the boxes up, store them in our facility for as long as you need, and then deliver your items back to you whenever you want them.

Simple as that!

We’re also extremely flexible – cancel at any time, request certain items back while keep others in storage etc. You pay ‘by the box’ – only spend on what you’re using.

Worried about security? Never fear, all our warehouses are hidden behind barbed wire and have 24 hour security, fully functioning sprinkler systems, and restricted access to our facilities.

You also have the ability to lock your own boxes so no one can access your stuff.

Sounds like we can help you out? Don’t hesitate to contact us or start shopping.